The wild cranberry (Vaccinium oxycoccos) is an evergreen shrub, which is known for its sourish berries. It resides in almost all of Northern and Central Europe, but also Western and Middle Siberia, and North America. Estonia is also a common habitat for cranberries. The sourish taste of common cranberries comes from the concentration of different acids, including oxalic and citric acids. Benzoic acid, which has a strong antibacterial effect, can also be found in cranberries.
What do cranberries contain?
The berries contain vitamin C and potassium. There are special ingredients, proanthocyanidins (PAC), in cranberries that keep the bacteria that cause inflammation from attaching to the bladder wall.
Why are cranberries healthy?
It is possible to make healthy and refreshing drinks from cranberries, which among other things decrease blood pressure. Cranberry drink can also, for example, improve a person’s feeling during fever. In case of liver or stomach problems, one shouldn’t consume too much though, because the excessive acid concentration can have a negative effect on these organs. Recent studies by American chemists confirm that no other fruit than cranberry is more successful in preventing cancer, stroke or cardiovascular diseases.